Be reassured that I have never considered being a candidate for any ministerial position and I only wish to make good use of the departure of a minister by discussing a much more serious problem: Once again the issues are not a matter of people but of structure; and no one will do better or worse than Nicolas Hulot (former French minister of the ecological transition) without a change in governance.

First of all, we must maintain our composure and relativize the importance of such a ministry. Because it is not only about France, which represents only 1% of the world population and 4% of the planet’s production: even if were to be more than exemplary, we would have a derisory impact on the global warming of the planet. And because the state is only one actor among others in this great battle: irrespective of the laws and regulations, everyone is responsible for the future of humanity by the way he chooses to live and by what he chooses to consume within the limits of his means.

However, we must do better, here and now, so that France does not remain a stowaway of the planet, and we must do even more than our share of the common effort, to set the example of effective action, in the interest of future generations.

This is the definition of a positive economy: one that is preoccupied, in each of its decisions, with the interest of future generations. Of course, this is no guarantee that errors can be prevented: one can misjudge the long-term impact of a decision. But if we do not seek to inquire about it, we are sure to neglect it.

The state must take its fair share. And the Ministry of Ecology, as it is conceived today, cannot be enough, because it is only one actor among others within a State condemned to deal with urgent matters before taking care of important ones.

Without a doubt, for 15 years, some progress has been made in France in the protection of the environment. And the Ministry of Ecology played a role in this progress.

However, to be more effective, the current Ministry of Ecology should be transformed into a Ministry of the Positive Economy, which should have the power to act, on all matters, on behalf of future generations. Having special responsibility for the environment, and only the environment, it should be able, in any other field, to assert the interest of future generations. In particular, in the fields of industry, agriculture, infrastructure, transportation, education, prevention, taxation, debt, protection of heritage, all matters that should depend on other ministries from an operational standpoint.

This ministry should not be overabundant; it would not need a considerable administration, but rather just the means to study and help the government consider the long-term impact of all the projects of the other ministries. It would therefore be a new type of ministry, more likely a supervisory body than a managerial ministry, totally transversal, attached to the Prime Minister, with veto rights, under the tutelage of the Prime Minister and the President, on the projects of the other ministries, if its administrators can justify that a policy harms the future of the planet.

Parliament should also adopt such an analytical tool in order to evaluate, before voting on the ecological, financial and social impact of all bills on future generations.

This institutional reform would be complete only if the Constitutional Council and the Council of State were willing to recognize that defending the interests of future generations is also part of their prerogatives, while exercising their control powers over laws and decrees. If only the Constitution would also make it a sacred value of the Republic.

By taking such bold actions, France would truly be at the forefront of the world’s ecological battle. For the greater good of all.