While, in Paris, some gathered together around a precautionary principle too often obscurantist, to discuss mainly what not to do in order not to harm the environment, others gathered in Le Havre from around the world, more than one thousand persons, to listen to 100 entrepreneurs, trade unionists, directors of NGOs, of mutual societies, of trade unions and of large companies, who came to explain what they do to improve it. And not only the natural environment. But also the human environment.
It was what has been called « positive economy » : the one which, beyond the employment of those making their living there and the profits made by those who have invested their money in it, is concerned with the long-term interests of the world. The one which considers that all our activities must also be useful to the next generations, and which judges its effectiveness using this measuring rod.
In Le Havre, we did not therefore simply developed concepts. We have heard and seen exciting initiatives showing that positive economy is already a global reality:
Just as in the case of Bindeshwar Pathak from India, who, with his NGO Sulabh International, has changed the lives of tens of millions of untouchables, by demonstrating to the Indian middle classes that it is in their economic interest to increase latrine coverage rather than leaving these pariahs the load of cleaning their excrements, as they have done for more than two thousand years. And who is reinvesting all the profits made by his NGO
from the sale of these latrines and from the revenues of public toilets into the vocational training of these untouchables.
Just as in the case of Phil Conway from England who with Cool2Care succeeded in creating in Great Britain a financially viable company helping parents who have children with a disability.
Just as in the case of Rainer Nolvak from Latvia who managed to mobilize tens of thousands of people in his country and even more in Lithuania, Slovenia and elsewhere to clean within a few hours all the random dumpsites of the country.
Just as in the case of Hamouche Said from France, who identifies talented leaders in disadvantaged neighborhoods, and matches them with companies that need their skills.
Just as in the case of large companies, for whom the goal is no longer just to help these operators of the positive economy, by financing them, or just not to be too harmful to the environment through their own productions, but to improve it, by replanting forests, refilling aquifers, reducing poverty, and training young people for occupations of the future.
Positive economy is no longer a marginal economy. It is not a subsidized economy. It creates jobs, it earns profits and it is growing rapidly. It brings between 5 and 10% of global GDP. It plays a stabilizing role in the crisis insofar as it is based on altruism, and not on individualism, which is at the root of present evils. It is also as important as capitalism was when, in the 12th century, it grew in the crevices of feudalism, to the point of replacing it.
To hasten its advent, many reforms will be required, within each nation and globally. New rules of law, new company statutes, new funding format and of measuring its impact on the well-being of future generations.
Great work, which will attract many young entrepreneurs, especially in France, at a time when the country appears to be running out of steam, and the economy lacking direction.