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Confronting the far right


In France, almost all political leaders are now resigned, in public or in private, to predicting the election of Marine Le Pen in 2027. Some are reassured by hoping that the far-right party will not win the subsequent legislative elections….

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There are universal values and we must defend them


For my taste, we have been hearing too much for some time now, and all over the world, a discourse questioning the very existence of universal values and the need to defend them. In Turkey, Russia, China, Africa, India, Iran,…

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2023, the good year


Both globally and in France, the new year is harder than ever to predict. We could easily settle for predicting the worst: at the end of 2021, not many of us thought that the Russian attack on the Ukraine would…

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Football, and then what?


Let’s remember first, without shame, the best of this World Cup: magnificent matches; the fraternisation of the players after the final whistle; light emotions offered to peoples often living very difficult destinies; subjects of passionate conversation between relatives, friends, strangers;…

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Old age is not a shipwreck, it is an unveiling


Old age is too often presented as a time when people are no longer themselves and sink into delusions that are best despised. Thus, when De Gaulle speaks, in the first volume of his War Memoirs, of Pétain’s “shipwreck” (“Old…

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Ending the praise of authoritarian regimes.


For years it had become fashionable in the main circles of influence in democratic countries, both intellectual and business, to praise authoritarian regimes. The former applauded the long-term vision of their leaders; the latter praised their economic efficiency and commercial…

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Enigmas of the universe, answers of humans.


Allow me, for once, to distance myself from current events, at least in appearance. Every day brings us new, shocking descriptions of what the universe is like at a few distances from us. In particular, every day the James Webb…

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Fighting terrorism, understanding subversion


If we could stop using words indiscriminately, democracy would be much better off. Thus, terrorism should be defined as the attempt to influence the course of events, outside a state of war, by the exercise of violence against civilians, known…
