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The Culture or the life

Art and Culture, Coronavirus

It is a sad fact that culture is one of the main collateral victims of the current pandemic. Indeed, nothing is sadder than empty concert halls, unoccupied theatres, closed cinemas and deserted museums. Nothing is more distressing than dismantled symphony…

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The return of travels…

Coronavirus, Society

This week, for the first time in a year, I got back on a plane.  A long haul. To go to Asia. Then another one, to come back, very quickly. I hadn’t been back in an airport for twelve months,…

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Look for good news

Coronavirus, Positive Economy, Society

The world is certainly going badly. And it will get worse for a long time to come. The pandemic is ahead of us for at least another year; the number of victims will continue to rise sharply, all over the…

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The essence of the universal


To be part of a community that has been a victim of the madness of racism for millennia, and is still too often a victim, I would like to remind you of a few obvious facts. First of all, there…

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Eating is conversing

Coronavirus, Society

All over the world, and particularly in France, the manner in which we are handling the pandemic is plagued by inconsistencies. It is not just because management methods are very different from one country to another, but also because of…

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After Fake News, Fake Finance


And what if what happened in the strange GameStop speculation saga was indicative of much deeper issues at stake?… Finance has always been a place for rumours, lies, and false news, for desperate companies or governments to attract capital, deceive…

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Whatever the cost, we have to finance students

Coronavirus, Society

Even before the pandemic, everything was done to promote the immediate well-being of the elderly, against the interests of the youngest. This is particularly true in developed countries, whose decisions today have the greatest impact on the future of the…

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What will remain of nomadism ?

Coronavirus, Prospective

For having, for a very long time, announced that humanity would soon return to its founding nomadism, after a sedentary interlude that lasted ten millennia, many events today seem to contradict this hypothesis: First of all, the pandemic, of course,…
