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Fervent Year of 2022 !

Coronavirus, Prospective, Society

Each passing day proves to us that in personal and social life alike, as well as in private and professional life, and in relationships and friendships, our fate is strongly linked to our ability to anticipate. In particular, can we…

5662 0

Never Give Up!

Coronavirus, Society

The holiday period is approaching fast; everyone will be wishing for happiness, joy, and health. Today, everyone feels that these wishes will be more necessary and concrete than they were in previous years, when these wishes often had an automatic…

4146 0

In Praise of Carefreeness.

Art and Culture, Coronavirus, Society

Nothing we all miss more, in 2020, than being carefree. Who even remembers today the meaning of this word that was once so banal, if not as a distant memory? Etymologically, carefreeness is being free from care and worry, or…

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Genealogy of Conspiracy

Art and Culture, Prospective, Society

We always have a tendency, and it is a natural thing, to think that whatever happens to us is new, unique, and extraordinary. And it is so because it happens during our lifetime, which, after all, is especially important for…

3673 0

Fooled by America, but Happy Nonetheless!


Rarely have European media outlets dedicated so much coverage, and for such length of time, to an election campaign like they just did for the presidential election that just ended in the United States: it dominated all the headlines for…

5166 0

It would be pointless …

Coronavirus, Society

Here we are. A second lockdown. A second catastrophe. After a first lockdown that failed miserably. And a reopening that also failed miserably. It would be pointless to say that all this could have been avoided. In particular, it would…

9129 0

Putting an End to the American Dream

Geopolitics, Prospective

For more than two centuries, the American dream had attracted people from all over the world, especially from Europe, who found political freedom, exceptional universities, and an unmatched opportunity to become entrepreneurs in the United States. In contrast, others made…

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Phony War, Phony Crisis

Coronavirus, Society

Between September 1939 and May 1940, while the fascist and Nazi governments were forcibly organising the production of armaments, the French, English and Belgian democracies were waiting for god knows what, confident in the illusory protection of the Maginot Line…
