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The quadriplegic society

Non classifié(e), Prospective, Society

Having predicted and denounced for a long time the development, on a global scale, of what I called a “hyperclass,” cut off from the rest of the people (which themselves will be divided into “infranomads” forced to migrate to survive,…

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What about Africa?

Art et Culture

For too long, we have considered Africa as a type of art but not an objective of art. Until recently, exhibitions of African artwork were rarely concentrated in museums of colonial origin or so-called tribal art museums. No African artist…

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Blockchain and cost-free

Non classifié(e), Society

New technologies never happen by chance. They come together, one after the other, in a clear logical sequence. And one would have to be blind not to see it as such: liberating mankind from the most arduous tasks; giving him…

2548 0

We, Europeans, are alone.

Geopolitics, Non classifié(e)

When will we, Europeans, understand that we are alone? When will we draw the right conclusions? Considering what is being played out in Germany and Italy today, it should drive us to urgently search for the answers to these vital…

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Karl Marx, more relevant than ever


Karl Marx was born in Germany exactly two centuries ago. No non-religious thinker has ever had so much influence on the real history of mankind. Moreover, none have ever been so discussed and criticized by people who have not always…

2423 0

Red Lines


Ever since President Barack Obama announced in 2013 that he would not let the Syrian government use chemical weapons without a response because such act would be an unacceptable crossing of a “red line”, the expression became a political mainstay….

1852 0

Love, hate, neglect

Art et Culture

Professions that involve issuing prescriptions have always been essential. Indeed, these are the job of doctors, teachers, booksellers, museum guides, gallery owners, art critics – helping us choose what to read, what to see and what to hear. Today as…

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Leading a successful life, the only one we have


We can understand people whose primary demand is to have access to lifetime employment, out of fear of precarious work and its terrible elements. However, if we wanted to go further with this demand, we could dare to ask for…
