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Reinventing political parties


Democracies throughout Europe and the United States have expressed a deep yearning for political renewal. It has led, virtually everywhere, under various names, to a profound leadership renewal. With the emergence of new faces, talents, raising great hopes. By contrast,…

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Le Havre, Paris, and Entrepreneurship


At the moment we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Francis I’s decision to create the Port of Le Havre. At the time, the Port of Rouen, one of Europe’s centers of textile trade, was not big enough to cope…

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In Praise of Transgression


In this age of political change, ideological surprises, aesthetic ruptures and the dictatorship of the immediate, ephemeral triumphs and vain glories, it is time to realize that the source of true successes, significant progress, useful lives, has always been the…

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Joy, Concerns, Challenges, Mea Culpa


Beyond the immensity of joy I feel tonight, and the magnitude of the challenges facing the new President, I would like to share my immediate reaction and draw seven lessons from this presidential campaign. Seven lessons on the importance of…

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Outcry against the « system »

Geopolitics, Society

The French electoral campaign, like several that have preceded it in Great Britain, the United States and the Netherlands, along with future campaigns in other countries, provides the opportunity for a large number of candidates to speak out against «…

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Voting or becoming yourself?


For a long time now, I have explained that it was necessary to look after oneself and not expect anything further from politicians, I am tempted to not attach any importance to the upcoming presidential elections, no more importance than…
