Among the arguments that can attract voters’ attention toward an extremist party, (and in France especially toward the National Front) the most destructive, one that can capture the attention of the greatest number of good and decent people is the following: for decades everything has been tried, the right and the left. The left with floor crossers from the right. The right with floor crossers from the left. For the past 30 years, nothing has been working; unemployment is increasing inexorably. The middle class is becoming increasingly poorer. A growing number of people are living on public subsidies. Young people are leaving due to the lack of employment opportunities. Crime is increasing, insecurity is growing up and areas of lawlessness are increasing. At the same time, indecent fortunes are shown, unjustified revenues are being distributed to a select few. Finally, the identity of France is drowned out by a multiculturalism and a European project, and nobody knows where they lead us.

This is indisputable. The policies of the parties (government parties) have thus failed, and many may think that there is nothing further to expect from a new alternation, or even of a possible single-hearted unity between the parties. They say it is necessary to change direction drastically. And devolute power to people who were not given an opportunity to demonstrate what they know and can do; and who point their finger over the real issues: Does immigration cause unemployment? Does the euro lead France to subservience? Can the country regain its lost identity?

The answer of the National Front (FN) to those questions is attractive because it is simple: No to foreigners. No to the euro. New ruling elites. And all will be well. It is essential to address in substance these arguments, not simply demonize the other side:

It was by acting this way that German democracy collapsed into chaos in 1933 when nearly 40 % of the total electorate voted for the only German party that had not been tried yet, the Nazi party.

Two arguments must be used today to fight them:

1. No, not everything has been tried.

Political parties, on the left wing as well as the right, did not have the courage to undertake major reforms that would ensure the return of full employment, growth and the good fortune of living in France. I have shared them in details enough times, right here, no to have to list them again. Except to mention that among these measures, no proposals from the National Front can be found and therefore one cannot expect the National Front to implement them.

2. The program of the National Front, if it were implemented, would lead to a disaster far worse than the current situation. For example, the exit from the euro would lead to a collapse in the value of the currency, an explosion of the burden of government debt, a rise in imports. Similarly, stopping immigration would make the operation of many industries and services impossible.

Finally, the successful operation of both requires the closure of the borders, which would immediately lead to an acceleration of departures, a stop to exports, a rise in living standards and a burst in unemployment.

And ultimately, quickly, the questioning of democracy.

Those are the things that must be addressed with the extremes by launching a fundamental debate on the merits of their program. It is by taking the step of reforming that their coming to power will be prevented.