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Help Tunisia


The Tunisian people have just taken a major step. They are now in charge of their destiny. They must have all the tools to succeed. France, Europe, the democratic world must do everything to support them.

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What is happening in Egypt, after what happened in Tunisia, is sending us back to a very old question that we have been living at least since the 1956 Hungarian Revolution: should democracies intervene to help a people who is fighting dictatorship?

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Tunisia, and after?


Nothing was more expected than the jasmine revolution.
Nothing could be less predictable than the date of its outbreak.

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Aim for the heart


The appalling tragedy in Niger (a very young man hit accidentally at the edge of happiness, with a friend who came to share with him this moment) is primarily a new opportunity to ponder the enigma of the human condition :
what is life worth if it can be reduced to that?

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The publication by Wikileaks of a mass of diplomatic telegrams initially resulted in very revealing comments of the spirit of the times

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Drum Rolls


What is happening in Korea is giving us the impression that a large-scale armed conflict cannot be excluded

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Ce cauchemar est un G20


Un G20 vient de se terminer sur de vagues promesses d’appliquer enfin quelques unes des décisions des précédents G20. Toutes restées lettre morte . En oubliant la plupart d’entre elles…

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Haïti, les promesses non tenues


Les promesses d’aide et la mobilisation semblent déjà oubliées. Sans moyens considérables, Haïti s’enfoncera toujours plus dans la misère et les épidémies.

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A grand project


The next G20 summit in Seoul in the early days of November, is announced under the worst auspices. And the year of the French presidency which will follow is not more promising.
