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Emergency in Pakistan


Everyone now knows the situation in Pakistan, which became catastrophic following the worst floods in 80 years: thousands dead, at least 20 million people, or one tenth of the population without shelter and more than six million without drinking water and without food

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Vain G-20 ? Confirms and signs


Once again, despite all the misleading statements? The G-20 meeting was
useless. The summit gathered in Canada was supposed to address two major
topics: the regulation of the financial system and the reduction of the
public debt.

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Our children, or Germany?


Today, it is as if Europe seemed entirely subject to the diktats of Germany, deciding what we can or cannot do for Greece, imposing austerity plans throughout Europe and even dictating to others constitutional reforms.

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Bis Repetitat?


If there is a constant in the last 30 years in France, it is indeed the
defeat in the main election of the winner of the intermediate election.
Thus, when the left or right-wing wins legislative and regional elections,
it loses the next presidential election.

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For an International Financial Court


The recent discovery of the turpitude of the leaders of Lehmann and their
auditors, with terrible consequences on the world-wide crisis, and thus on
employment of hundreds of millions of people, shows, if it was still
necessary, that since globalization has done its work, what takes place in a
company can have consequences on the whole planet. However, no international court is competent to judge such crimes.

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In all its forms


Three major reforms will be announced in France this week. They all relate
to the management of the public service.
