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Three years


President Sarkozy still has three years of mandate, in a difficult and
exciting environment.

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2012, 2036….. (en)


Depuis quelques années, le cinéma et les jeux vidéos nous racontent de façon lancinante les mille et unes catastrophes qui pourraient détruire l’humanité. Mais quand il s’agit de menaces tout aussi épouvantables, mais bien réelles, nul n’en parle.

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One last drink, for the road


I so much wanted to be able to write that the G20 was a total success; I so much wanted to be able, like almost all the commentators, to unabashedly hail many the various tremendous efforts, so that no one will slam the door

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The G20, then what?


All is well: the major stock markets are on the rise; banks are explaining that public confidence is up again; the growth of business capital is going better than expected; enormous recovery plans have been put into place. Unfortunately, starting the day after the G20, we will come to understand that no accounts have truly been settled.

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The Essential Election


A priori, it’s an election that concerns only a tiny country – Israel – confronted with gigantic social problems. In fact, this election concerns the entire world, whose stability relies very heavily on that of the Middle East, which itself relies largely on the capacity of Israelis and Palestinians to make peace and recognize each another.

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Why must it be that it is the unjust occupation of the Palestinian terrorites by an Israel which must be denounced and never that of other neighbors in several bordering countries?

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The General Repetition


The battle presently playing out in Gaza is not only about Israelis and Palestinians; it is the herald of a considerable revolution in the format of warfare between nations, and between nations and non-state entities.

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Les ONG, rempart contre l’apocalypse


FAISONS un rêve : imaginons qu’aujourd’hui nous ne soyons pas réunis dans la salle de l’Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des Nations unies, mais dans la salle d’une « Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des Associations unies », nouvelle institution internationale qui rassemblerait toutes nos organisations, traversant les frontières, les couleurs, les sexes, les races, les générations, toutes décidées à servir, sous toutes les formes, un seul but : le bien commun de l’humanité.
