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Every Day Counts

Geopolitics, Prospective, Society

These are strange times, throughout the world… people are dying more than ever from strange diseases; others, who were not prepared for these torments, are faced with unemployment, poverty, and hunger; even entire industrial sectors are on the verge of…

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Altruists By Choice or By Force

Coronavirus, Geopolitics, Society

The countries that best withstood the pandemic are those countries that best understood the selfish interest of altruism and had put it in practice. The leading countries are South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Because these countries understood that it is…

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Think and Live Positive!

Coronavirus, Geopolitics, Society

During the terrible times, which many human beings have endured for a long time, and of which the current crisis has made us aware, we need to relearn four forgotten feelings: gratitude, for those on the front line; empathy, for…

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What will Covid-19 Give Birth To?

Coronavirus, Geopolitics, Society

Today, nothing is more urgent than controlling the two tsunamis—the public health and economic crises—that are battering the world. There is no guarantee that we will manage to achieve it. But if we fail, very dark years lie ahead. The…
