Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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2901 0

Democracy is Digging its Own Grave

Geopolitics, Society

While countless crises are lurking around the corner—and can be extremely catastrophic on the financial, economic, social, ecological fronts—meanwhile in China, Russia, Turkey and India, undemocratic powers are implementing reforms to face these crises, but also rejecting human rights. And…

1480 0

Some jobs that we can never do without


We talk a lot about jobs that are threatened because of advances in technology that will lead to automation, or related needs that will disappear. As such, it is likely that tasks that are now performed by executive assistants or…

1702 0

Artificial emotions

Art et Culture

We now know for sure that a spectator, even if he is an expert, can mistakenly believe that a work created by an algorithm is the work of an artist, and vice versa. We also know that algorithms clearly have…

1513 0

The birds in front of our window


”Believing that only the planets whose existence is known to us today exist is no more reasonable than imagining that the sky is populated by no other birds than those who pass our window.” The great Christian philosopher Giordano Bruno…

1602 0

Survive or perish, but all together


Ten years after the bankruptcy of the global financial services firm, Lehman Brothers, which was a key event that marked the beginning of the financial crisis, the question remains whether the world has learned the lessons of the financial crisis?…

2817 0

Being distracted from the world

Art et Culture

Among all the overwhelming upheavals of the moment, there is one, which is apparently more anecdotal than many others, and deserves to be stopped: given that its total turnover is measured by the time devoted to it, video games are…

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How to Topple a Dictatorship

Geopolitics, Non classifié(e), Society

After much progress in the 1990s, marked by the collapse of the Soviet bloc and the evolution of Latin America, democracy now seems to be in decline. There were also, however, new advances that occurred recently. More precisely, in Morocco,…
