Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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What is the purpose of the ECB?

Finance, Positive Economy

Main pivot, insuring alone the survival of the euro, without any assistance from the EU’s executive bodies, the European Central Bank (ECB) is today obliged to do exactly the opposite of what is set out by the Treaties: lending to States in order to finance their debts…

2149 0

The war of law


A number of events, apparently unrelated, remind us today that, behind the war of weapons and that of economy, another war is played out, maybe more serious, the war of law…

1749 0

The geopolitics of soccer


In this troubled world, the 20th FIFA World Cup final tournament could make some forget the massacres (in Iraq, in Syria, in Afghanistan and in Ukraine), unemployment, (in France and many other countries around the world), hunger (with more than one billion men, women and children going to bed hungry), the climate crisis happening around the world, and the loss of the meaning of life for nearly all human beings…

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Urbi et Orbi

Geopolitics, Society

Microsoft has just announced that its researchers have developed, after a decade of work, with the help of Microsoft’s Skype and Translator team, speech recognition software that can decode languages in real-time, called Skype Translator…

1970 0

Please, do not vote in favour of the National Front


It is not my intention in any way here to try to convince all those with nostalgia for collaborationism, all the unrepentant anti-Semites, all those who say they are anti-Muslim, and all those who cannot bear to come across a black or yellow person in a hospital or maternity home, not to vote for the National Front (FN)…
