Facing flooding
France is a strange country. She has known, for at least a thousand years, that she is a flood-prone country. She has experienced flooding many times in her history, sometimes in dramatic ways…
Let’s have a dream
2014 is shaping up to be a bad year: across the world, even though there seems to be the outline at the horizon of the resumption of economic growth and the recovery in investment…
The current global economic crisis is like any other war
Throughout the developed world, and in France in particular, economic crises are managed very differently. Wars are managed simply and effectively…
Nelson Mandela: What if he was the « last of the great men »?
The death of Nelson Mandela, though long-anticipated, provoked nonetheless an unprecedented worldwide outpouring of emotion…
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
France’s ranking in the latest set of results from the 2012 data collection (PISA 2012), which evaluates the knowledge and skills of the world’s 15-year-olds, is more catastrophic than ever…