Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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1604 0

The fragility of the Western model


Today, If there are countries put forward as a model, for different reasons, it is indeed countries like Sweden and Turkey. Sweden for having the best social model in the world, for over half a century and for having reformed remarkably its public administration in 1993.

1824 0

What do we owe to future generations ?


One of the most often repeated ideas, generally without understanding what is at stake, is to advocate the need to take account of the interest of future generations. But in fact, this is not how we behave: we live in the moment, unconcerned about leaving to future generations colossal debts and a rotten environment. …

1297 0

Three swallows do not make a spring


A sentenced person holds on to any hope of reduction of their sentence. A jilted lover watches for the slightest sign of hope that could mean the return of his beloved. A patient clings to the slightest sign of remission…

1344 0

Fukushima: Are they all crazy?


Since the terrible accident of 11 March 2011 (an earthquake of magnitude 9 and a 15 m-high tsunami), the devastated Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant has not seemed to pose any health concerns outside Japan. And even in Japan, no radiation levels above the dose limit were found in the shops or in the food…

1267 0

When extremes are getting closer


Les partis d’extrême gauche et d’extrême droite font tout pour apparaitre distincts ; et leurs différences sont évidemment majeures, sur un point au moins : leur attitude à l’égard de l’immigration. Pour autant, ils ont de plus en plus de points communs tant dans la forme que sur le fonds…

1422 0

Teach in French!


While so many major reforms are waiting to be taken from the sidings, some law proposals recently examined by the Council of Ministers are puzzling, or shocking. This is the case for the law proposal which authorises faculty members to teach in a foreign language in our French universities and Grandes Écoles…

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Virtual currencies, real worlds


One of the most unexpected and interesting effects of the Cyprus crisis has been to shed light on the emerging role, which they will increasingly play, of virtual currencies, in the staggering degree of change in modern finance, for better or for worse.
