Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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1763 0

Coming out on top


Each country, clearly, looks at the world from the top of its bell-tower. And the landscape of France, at the moment, seen from this perspective, is not particularly exciting…

1588 0

No growth without wealthy people

Positive Economy

Imagine a French Managing Director who, through the company he would have created, would boast about building a private fortune of 132 million euros in a few months. It would be an immediate scandal…

1426 0

Ethics or Exit


The case of Cyprus reminds us of a simple principle: in an area under the rule of law, there is no room for a community that does not comply with it. And as we cannot accept an area where rights are not respected in Marseille, likewise we cannot accept it in Cyprus either…

1438 0

Should we renounce democracy?


On the same week, the Church gave itself a pope. A president was elected in China. Pope Francois. President Xi Jining. Both using very similar organisational and selection methods: a pyramidal structure, where top level appointments are based on merit, to the top…

1955 0

What does the name Beppe Grillo stand for?


No, Beppe Grillo is not Coluche. Michel Colucci would never have argued that “AIDS is the greatest hoax of the century”, made up by the West, denying the fact that it is a transmissible virus. Neither would have claimed without any proof, that a respected Italian neurologist …
