Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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And now, the USA…

Positive Economy

Depuis trois ans, les Américains ont réussi à faire croire qu’il n’y avait plus de crise qu’en Europe. Et mieux, même, que l’Europe en était la seule cause, sans vouloir admettre que les désordres financiers ont commencé avec l’endettement excessif des ménages américains, et avec la titrisation de ces emprunts…

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La Cité de la Réussite


Jacques Attali will speak from 4:30pm to 6pm during the round table “What does sharing mean?”, that will take place in the Grand Amphithéâtre of La Sorbonne.

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Exile. External, internal


Two fundamental trends, apparently unrelated, combine today in France. On the one hand, a growing number of young French people, with or without degrees, leave the country.

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Positive economy

Positive Economy

While, in Paris, some gathered together around a precautionary principle too often obscurantist, to discuss mainly what not to do in order not to harm the environment, others gathered in Le Havre from around the world, more than one thousand persons, to listen to 100 entrepreneurs, trade unionists, directors of NGOs, of mutual societies, of trade unions and of large companies, who came to explain what they do to improve it.

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For a European passport


After the debate on the “red carpet” that Mr Cameron would like to roll out under the feet of French entrepreneurs and the submission of an application for the acquisition of the Belgian nationality by Bernard Arnault, and other similar debates in other countries, we are entering a very dangerous time for France and for Europe.

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One hundred billion


I love these naive and great questions, that all the children in the world insist on asking their parents and whose answer is almost impossible to express in simple, non-scientific terms. For example: « Why is the sky blue? » Or: « If God can do everything, can he decide that he does not exist »?

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The end of the tunnel?

Positive Economy

According to the popular metaphor, probably dating back to the first railway tunnels, in the late 19th century, we may soon see in Europe the light at the end of the tunnel, since it would be possible, in an optimistic vein, to think that the crisis of the euro is approaching its resolution and that a lasting solution will soon be implemented.

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Audacity out of necessity

Positive Economy

The economic situation of France is now clear: the country is on the very edge of a recession which will reduce tax revenues, and will make it very difficult to bring the budget deficit to 3% by the end of 2013.
