Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

Positive Planet

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Seize the last opportunity


While the main heads of State and Government of the world are going to waste four days of their precious time trying to convince their public opinions that they can solve by vague press releases the problems of the world economy in Mexico, and those of the environment in Brazil, European leaders have really one last chance to decide of their destiny.

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Un monde sur pilotis

Art and Culture

It is a magical place, East of Myanmar (formerly Burma), 700 kilometers (434 miles) north of Yangon (formerly Rangoon) in the Shan mountains, close to China and Laos: Inle Lake. Its rescue is urgent, and it symbolizes the rescue of our planet.

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L’Europe, en fin


Si l’union européenne continue pendant quelques mois à se défaire sous nos yeux, en suivant très exactement les scénarios les plus pessimistes, ici exposés depuis des années, elle n’existera bientôt plus.

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After Afghanistan, Mali


The situation with regard to Mali is at the forefront of our preoccupations. This empire founded in the 13th century, the craddle of a thousand cultures, including that of the Dogon, is today a country split in two: in the South, a provisional government terrorized by soldiers walking up and down the streets, invading the national palaces and threatening passengers at airports.

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Après le Sommet de Bruxelles, un plan, pour sauver les Européens

Positive Economy

Privé de l’aide européenne et internationale, l’Etat grec pourrait faire défaut avant fin juin. Le risque principal, aujourd’hui, se situe au niveau des banques grecques : le risque de bank run massif est chaque jour, plus important. Il précipiterait l’effondrement du système bancaire grec dans son ensemble, déjà vacillant.

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Francois Hollande, proof by Europe


What a destiny! Behold this young man, who has been received in my office in October 1980 with his partner Segolene Royal, and offered his services to further the campaign of Francois Mitterrand, in any position, becomes President of the Republic.
