French Congress of Surgery and Francophony
Jacques Attali will speak during the opening talk at 11am, in the Palais des Congrès of Paris.
4ème édition du Forum Science Recherche & Société
The Forum takes place in the Collège de France. Jacques Attali will talk during the opening talk on the theme: “la science peut-elle être citoyenne?”
Conference of the Association “Energie Jeunes”
The conference takes place at 5pm at L’Oreal, Clichy-Sous-Bois. More information on
Conference in Dakar, Senegal
The conference takes place from 8am to 9am in the Lycée Jean Mermoz
Involv’EU, European club of HEC
The conference will take place at 8pm on the campus of HEC.
The real challenges of the presidential election in Salon de Provence
Débat organisé par Terra Nova avec Jacques Attali, économiste et essayiste Olivier Ferrand, Président de Terra Nova Le Candidat PS, EELV, PRG aux législatives Lieu : Salons de l’Hôtel d’Angleterre. 98 cours Carnot, 13300 Salon de Provence.
Conference at Pontault-Combault
The talk is entitled “Which future can be expected for the future generations in France?” and will take place in the Salle Les Passerelles in PONTAULT-COMBAULT. This talk is destined to the pupils fro the high schools of Pontault-Combault, Roissy…