“Democracy, Deputies, Medias” in Quebec
Jacques Attali will make the opening speech of the conference organized by the National Assembly of Quebec.
Bank of France International Conference – Opening Speech
Jacques Atali will pronounce the opening speech in the Galerie Dorée of the Bank of France, at 9:30am.
President of the Ceremy of Awards of the Law Masters of HEC
The ceremony takes place in the theatre Athénée Louis-Jouvet, in Paris, starting from 7pm.
International Conference Nutriset
Jacques Attali will speak from 3:45pm to 5:15pm at the Collèges des Bernardins, in Paris. The program of the conference is available here.
ADEME Forum for Innovation
Jacques Attali will speak at 5:15pm about the next 20 years of innovation in the Energy sector. The conference takes place in the Palais des Congrès of Paris. The program of the conference is available here.
30th Congress of the CREGG
Jacques Attali will speak from 11am to 12am. His conference will tackle the question of the future of the liberal medical profession. The conference takes place in the Pullman Montparnasse (Paris). The program of the conference is available here.
Let’s make a dream
Sunday, September 25, 2011, 11:00 P.M: joint statement of the President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy and of the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel.
Prepare for the worst, to avoid it
It’s about time in France, to prepare for the upcoming double shock of the banking crisis and the crisis of public finances. It is coming. It will be there soon. And no one gives a serious thought about the scenario of the worst-case; as if it was sufficient, to avert it, not to think about it.