Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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Elections, user manual

Positive Economy

One of the few constants in political science, is that in any democracy, an outgoing majority has the greatest difficulty in getting re-elected when unemployment rate is decreasing. Unemployment will be the main enemy of Barak Obama in one year from now, as it will be in a few months, that of Nicolas Sarkozy.

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The world, according to Jobs

Positive Economy

The departure of Steve Jobs, resigning as Apple’s CEO, after a cancer recurrence diagnosed seven years ago, is an opportunity to reflect on the role of innovations in history.

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Frenetic conservatism


It is not in financial matters alone that this presidency of France is characterized by great unrest, followed by a long period of inaction, continually justified by the supposed complexity of the situation, perfected at the end of mandate by the rediscovery of the initial problems and an avalanche of speeches on the urgency of doing something.

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Garden of Eden

Art and Culture

Should we talk about the rare places we’ve loved, at the risk of seing them invaded by a horde of tourists? This is to be case with some places that I had the privilege to cross: from the Band-e Amir lakes in Afghanistan to Easter Island, by way of the Bhutan’s valleys, Lao’s forests and some others.
