Positive Economy

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Rethink the way we spend money

Positive Economy

When the income of a person, family, company, association, university, hospital, or public authority stagnates or declines, the natural reaction of the person who has the handle on the purse strings is to refuse to cut spending, to try to do everything to increase his income

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Après le Sommet de Bruxelles, un plan, pour sauver les Européens

Positive Economy

Privé de l’aide européenne et internationale, l’Etat grec pourrait faire défaut avant fin juin. Le risque principal, aujourd’hui, se situe au niveau des banques grecques : le risque de bank run massif est chaque jour, plus important. Il précipiterait l’effondrement du système bancaire grec dans son ensemble, déjà vacillant.

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Questions for a champion

Positive Economy

Let’s take seriously the second-round campaign. Let’s once again increase our first beliefs and truly seek in two weeks, who can best help France avoid the fate of Greece, which awaits, it is almost certain, Portugal and perhaps Spain.

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May 7, hangover

Positive Economy

Everyone knows, everyone says that France must reduce its public debt. Everyone knows, everyone says that the campaign is not on that subject. Everyone knows, everyone says that no serious saving proposal is made by any candidate…

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Be careful Mr. Draghi

Positive Economy

Dans une interview ahurissante donnée cette semaine à l’hebdomadaire allemand Bild, le Président de la Banque Centrale Européenne, Mario Draghi, tout à son entreprise de charme à l’égard de l’Allemagne, a franchi les frontières de ce à quoi l’autorisent son statut et son rôle.

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The moment of truth

Positive Economy

Francois Hollande’s 75 percent tax rate proposal for those with annual income of more than EUR 1 million is both totally impractical and extremely useful.

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Hail the artist!

Positive Economy

The French have a special relationship with cinema, which they invented: they see a lot of theatrical releases (over 200 million visitors in 2011); they produce a very great number of them (over 200 in 2011); they export them; they come from everywhere to shoot in France; and it is in France that the world’s largest film festival is held, which is also the world’s number one market.
