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There is Still Time Left

Coronavirus, Positive Economy, Society

During this period, all over the world, people are procrastinating, falling further into debt, and delaying as long as they can the economic and social collapse that will result from this pandemic. However, as is often the case, when we…

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Cheers for Life !

Coronavirus, Society

Much, too much ado about comparing the current economic crisis to past ones, and not enough about the current epidemic to previous ones. Yet, if we were to dig in this direction, we would soon discover something that should make…

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Think and Live Positive!

Coronavirus, Geopolitics, Society

During the terrible times, which many human beings have endured for a long time, and of which the current crisis has made us aware, we need to relearn four forgotten feelings: gratitude, for those on the front line; empathy, for…
