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Forestalling the third suicide attempt


As we finish commemorating Europe’s first suicide attempt during the modern era (there were others before, from the Hundred Years War to the Napoleonic wars, to the Thirty Years War), it is time to remember that this first World War…

1601 0

Rurality and technology


In France, there has not been a quinquennium that has not been poisoned by the question of fuel prices. The reason for this is clear, it is because we have pursued two contradictory objectives, albeit both are legitimate in their…

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The bells will toll soon in Rome


When the Italian government claims the right to decide its policy without obeying the bureaucrats from Brussels, it is applauded by all. However, it is not so simple: when someone is in debt, the power remains largely in his creditors’…

1939 0

The Return of Violence

Geopolitics, Society

Today, violence is everywhere. It can be found in all dimensions of society, and not only in France. Violence against homosexuals, journalists, teachers, politicians, and anyone who can make a little difference, or have a little bit of influence or…

1523 0

What mark can a President leave in History?


A President leaves a mark by the course of action that he takes, and/or by the way he handles the historical problems in which he is entangled by happenstance. In both cases, it is by constantly thinking about his legacy…

1607 0

Tragic intra-group cohesion.


There is a study about the year 2013 that was published very recently in the journal Sociologie. It can be found here: []. This study shows, in an emblematic case study, how much inequalities in France are reproduced from generation…

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Democracy is Digging its Own Grave

Geopolitics, Society

While countless crises are lurking around the corner—and can be extremely catastrophic on the financial, economic, social, ecological fronts—meanwhile in China, Russia, Turkey and India, undemocratic powers are implementing reforms to face these crises, but also rejecting human rights. And…

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Some jobs that we can never do without


We talk a lot about jobs that are threatened because of advances in technology that will lead to automation, or related needs that will disappear. As such, it is likely that tasks that are now performed by executive assistants or…

1524 0

The birds in front of our window


”Believing that only the planets whose existence is known to us today exist is no more reasonable than imagining that the sky is populated by no other birds than those who pass our window.” The great Christian philosopher Giordano Bruno…
