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Should the Mona Lisa be moved?

Art et Culture, Society

The recent suggestion to send the Mona Lisa to the Louvre-Lens Museum for a temporary exhibition poses a fascinating question. For some, the great masterpieces of art, including this iconic work, must be moved to a location where there is…

2029 0

When anger becomes rage.


Every day, every minute, everywhere in the world, the media and social networks bring forth new evidence of rising anger; and often for justifiable reasons: misery of the most vulnerable; frustration of the youth; hopelessness of the unemployed; suffering of…

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Ending paritarism


Among the achievements of the French Resistance was the idea that trade unions should participate, in an advisory manner, in management in the arena of public service, and that they should ensure the management of social security. Since then, little…

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The moment of truth

Non classifié(e), Society

Strikes by the staff of EPAHD (French acronym—Foundation for Shelter for the Elderly and the Dependent) and other retirement homes serve as a reminder, especially to those who may have forgotten, that the core interest of power in any society…

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What are Universities good for today ?


Announced reforms to the French Baccalaureate, as well as reforms that were already decided on admission policies to universities, provide an opportunity to finally take a serious look at the problem of how higher education is organized. First, some obvious…

1642 0

One and a half per thousand? Shame on us !


When discussing refugees and migrants, we tend to more or less deliberately mix up two topics: firstly, the way we treat migrants and refugees who managed to reach France; secondly, the number of refugees and migrants that we ought to…

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Toward a consumer strike?

Positive Economy, Society

A movement seems to have taken off, in the United States and in some European countries, and no one knows whether its momentum will dwindle after the initial take-off, or if it will continue to ascend, far up and away:…

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A family meal


Reminiscing over those family meals from one’s childhood, (not the daily meals with parents, brothers and sisters, but shared ones, in large gatherings at one of the homes of a family member, with more or less distant relatives, during religious…
