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Reading books as a tool for freedom

Geopolitics, Society

I don’t know a lot of greater pleasures than discovering a new author, a new thought, a new text. And even more, to share your own discoveries to others. Lend, offer, recommend a book, talk about it after, read some…

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The rate and tape society


The future is digital, but in several cases beautifully explored by the English TV series Black Mirror, just how digital do we want to be? The show portrays, to a conceivable extreme, the online social tendencies of today’s society. Two…

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Blockchain, Catalonia, and other major topics.


Streaming media align pieces of information, one after another, without seeking to establish, most of the time, any relations between them all. And as a matter of fact, at first sight, there is no relation between the spectacular blockchain development,…

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Judaism and Islam: Same fight for peace

Geopolitics, Society

Some recent events should remind to each person in good faith the absurdity of antijudaism and antisilamism nd their derivatives, anti-Zionism and hostility to the creation of a Palestinian State. They could even show that our civilisations’ future will play…

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Remembering everything…


A very recent publication of a study by researchers from New York University and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai from the same city published the results of an experiment in which rats were able to retrieve memories for…

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“Degagism” has only just begun


As we move forward towards the 4th and 14th of July, both symbolizing a revolution, and while we use this word today in completely different contexts, it might be a good time to reflect on what ensures a successful revolution…

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Let us stop talking about “environment”


The words we use on a daily basis go beyond the meaning they have today, and they continue to carry away their old meaning. It is, therefore, worthwhile to address the issue of the genealogy of words, which goes well…

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Reinventing political parties


Democracies throughout Europe and the United States have expressed a deep yearning for political renewal. It has led, virtually everywhere, under various names, to a profound leadership renewal. With the emergence of new faces, talents, raising great hopes. By contrast,…
