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No, you do not have a monopoly on the people!


French political history remembers the scathing reply of Valery Giscard d’Estaing to François Mitterrand during the Presidential debate in 1974: « You do not have a monopoly on heart. » As controversial as this pun might be, it played a…

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For an apology of the elites


At the end of this year, I would like to express my anger. A justified reaction in light of the manifold ills that plague our world: The billion people who go to bed hungry every night; the two billion people…

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The Intolerable Power of Truth


Truth works in the same way as power, because it imposes its own diktats, even more ruthless than those of the most powerful dictators. Hence, scientific laws, indisputable because they are based on repeated experimental observations, such as the earth’s…

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Liberty, Equality, Feminism


La présence de quelques femmes à des postes de pouvoir importants, et l’amélioration sensible, partout dans le monde, de l’accès des femmes à l’éducation et aux soins, ne doit pas cacher l’essentiel: partout, les femmes sont de moins en moins bien traitées par la société, c’est à dire par les hommes. Pour le plus grand malheur des uns et des autres.

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Well, then, dance now!


Dance says a lot about the lives of people. It is sheer utopia, by its very nature, since it aims to give the appearance that man can escape the law of gravity, at least for a short while. And it…
