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“Wherever there will be nothing, read…”


« Wherever there will be nothing, read that I love you »… Has anyone ever written a more beautiful declaration of love, referring to the final sentence of Diderot’s letter to Sophie Volland, June 10, 1759, at the early stages…

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Should You Wake Up a Sleepwalker?


According to old beliefs waking a sleepwalker may kill them; at least make them insane. In fact, science tells us that the opposite is true: sleepwalking (somnambulism) is the result of the interruption of muscle paralysis that ought to accompany…

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The French Are Left-Leaning…


…But they do not want to know. From the training for the unemployed to the democratization of the European Union and the construction of the Francophonie, all discourses given by leaders and political observers eruditely explained that France has moved…

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Request their presidential platforms!


The presidential electoral campaign in France is entering a new phase, not necessarily more constructive than previous phases. After months of entering into personal squabbles, soundbites, hunting for patronage and betrayals, candidates gradually publish programs, ‘en bloc’ or bit by…

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Death from laughter


How we wish we didn’t have to worry about the future of the world! Same for climate change, rising unemployment, and technological excesses. How we wish we didn’t have to fear a terrorist strike as the children leave school or…
