It is not in financial matters alone that this presidency of France is characterized by great unrest, followed by a long period of inaction, continually justified by the supposed complexity of the situation, perfected at the end of mandate by the rediscovery of the initial problems and an avalanche of speeches on the urgency of doing something.
We would like to take advantage of a summer post to take a break and neither talk about the comedy of public debts in Europe nor the near bankruptcy of the United States, nor the endless war in Libya, nor the horrific massacres in Syria, nor the merciless famine in Somalia, in Ethiopia and elsewhere, nor the radioactive leaks still very disturbing in the Fukushima power plant…
The terrible Norwegian massacre, may appear as a terrible incident, isolated act of a mentally ill person, with no more importance than Unabomber, the American killer that inspired him. It can, however, be interpreted as the announcement of a vast geopolitical movement expected for a long time and anticipated by many theorists.
Candidacy season for the presidential elections is open. For both left and right parties. For now, we have failed to see emerge the real reasons behind these nominations, but personal ambitions, or so-called edication to the national cause. And for the moment, we are in the midst of a school-boys’ quarrel.
For a very long time, we have known that the day would come when genomics would keep its promises. This required that computer technology advances were able to release the computing power needed to reduce drastically the cost of the genome sequencing…
The terrible charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn are an opportunity to remember that our society has become borderless, and now lives in four simultaneous time scales.
The words of Laurent Wauquiez against the RSA (Active Solidarity Income) call for three comments.
The debate on the conditions of selection and training of young people in the centers of the French Football Federation is revealing of a French malaise.