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Dominique Sarkozy-Kahn


When comparing the discussions on public debt in France with those taking place everywhere else in Europe, the United States or Japan, we can only be dismayed: here, on the left-wing like on the right-wing, the watchword is « Please do not talk about anything that is disturbing. And for that, let’s launch some nice little and unimportant debate. »

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Projects for France


Looking at the way, 2011 begins, in Europe, we could easily be depressed: unemployment is rising everywhere, even in Germany, where it is hidden by subsidies and misleading statistics; an unprecedented crisis of confidence in institutions; a presidency of the Union entrusted, without any protest, to a government that openly violates freedom of the press and artists.

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La patience est le sort des faibles.


L’impatience est le privilège des forts. Cela doit devenir l’inverse.Les plus pauvres, par nature, sont contraints d’être patients, c’est a dire, au sens propre, de souffrir ; et au sens figuré, de ne pas attendre de résultats rapides de leurs efforts…

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The tyranny of loneliness


If there is but one rare subject on which the president of the Republic
seems to make unanimity today, it is the one on the importance of urgently
settling the issue of dependency of the elderly…

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The losing machine


Almost nobody is betting today on a re-election of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012 :
he is unpopular even in his own camp, the economic and social situation of
the country is disastrous and is not going to improve 18 months from now.

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Desire, death, and growth


In total, the fear of death is therefore the source of all desire. Desire to save. Desire to consume. Saving is insurance. Consuming is reassurance…
