Seating plan for dinner on the Titanic
It is fascinating to see the important place the French media have devoted to the cabinet reshuffle announced Sunday
It is fascinating to see the important place the French media have devoted to the cabinet reshuffle announced Sunday
Après avoir passé les six derniers mois à ausculter la France, avec les meilleurs experts, j’en ai retiré la confirmation d’une évidence : notre pays ne mesure pas assez sa chance et ne tire pas assez parti de ses atouts…
Almost nobody is betting today on a re-election of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012 :
he is unpopular even in his own camp, the economic and social situation of
the country is disastrous and is not going to improve 18 months from now.
In total, the fear of death is therefore the source of all desire. Desire to save. Desire to consume. Saving is insurance. Consuming is reassurance…
The European Union has never moved forward but when it could prove it was capable of solving, by sharing them, problems that could lead to conflict among the country members
At a time when in Paris a flood of thousand people who are making worldwide fashion, there, in this world as in all the others, the street gradually imposes its law.
Il serait peut-être enfin temps de passer aux choses sérieuses. La France est, comme tous les autres pays développés, confrontée à une crise économique, sociale et financière très grave et bien loin d’être réglée. La dette galope, le chômage s’installe et l’école ne remplit plus sa mission universelle, pour ne parler que de cela. Pendant ce temps-là, les acteurs politiques et médiatiques se concentrent sur une affaire, certes très grave…
School is the place where a society conveys its values, and therefore, first, the place where they are reflected. Thus the success or failure of school, is first the values that a generation wants to convey to the next.
Ever since we started the debates around the French citizenship of people suspected of wrongful acts and around the evictions of Roma people, we have seen criticisms multiplying, comparing these acts to the tragedies that occurred in France since the takeover of Marshal Pétain