The theory of conspiracy
Each time a considerable and enigmatic event occurs, men seek not only the person who is responsible, but, when they are the victims, a culprit. And
they are not satisfied in general with a motive, they need a conspiracy.
Each time a considerable and enigmatic event occurs, men seek not only the person who is responsible, but, when they are the victims, a culprit. And
they are not satisfied in general with a motive, they need a conspiracy.
In a world where all the populations, not only those in rich countries, are aging. Or rather living longer. There is strong desire to stay young, attractive, active, mingling with the world. Strange contradictory obsession, with the refusal, so general also, to work longer.
Once more, as the summer is coming, “sensitive” neighborhoods in
disadvantaged suburbs are going to be again in the current events. For the wrong reasons.
Sometimes I have been blamed in this blog for turning into doomwatch mode.
La pandémie qui commence pourrait déclencher une de ces peurs structurantes.
L’Amérique latine, en proie à une violence endémique, multiplie les expériences en faisant appel au citoyen pour défendre la sécurité de leur cité.
Quand les grilles horaires des trains reflètent le dynamisme des pays et des continents.