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Nothing is more realistic than utopia


Utopia is not impossible. It is even the only realistic path left to us. In fact, we must reject the permanent, haunting discourse, which is posed as an indisputable fact, which opposes production and climate, abundance and social justice, economic…

3114 0

Are we all disloyal mercenaries?


Disloyalty becomes the most common form of exercising freedom. To understand this evidence, or at least this threat, we need to go back to the fundamental elements of our modern societies, democratic or not, where the market economy dominates: they…

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When music, once again, reveals the future


Once again, the economics of music tells us a lot about what lies ahead in many other dimensions of our societies: In the last few days, music industry companies have seen their stock prices tumble, because analysts predict that musical…

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ChatGPT 25


Yesterday, I tried asking the new version of the ChatGPT generative artificial intelligence software (number 4) what it thought the top three problems of the world in 2050 would be, and the top three advances. In a few seconds, I…

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Denial of reality


In France, denial of reality seems to be the only thing that all the actors in public life have in common: the president (who is right to say that it is his role to propose unpopular measures) refuses to see…

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Do not get carried away by vertigo


It is fashionable today to say that, whatever we do, nothing will happen in France for the rest of the current president’s term, and that the election of Marine Le Pen is assured. We can see people preparing for this,…

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Escaping the Stefan Zweig syndrome


What happens in the United States is always doubly fundamental for the rest of the world: firstly, because it is the world’s leading power and will remain so for a long time to come. Secondly, because developments in its society,…

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The mithridatisation of the world


We know the story of the Greek king Mithridates, king of Pontus (a kingdom in part of present-day Turkey), who supposedly tried to make himself immune to all poisons by taking small doses at regular intervals; legend has it that…
