Jeff Bezos’ decision to no longer publish in the opinion pages of the Washington Post any views other than those defending absolute economic freedom and total freedom of expression, thus refusing from now on to give a voice in his newspaper to those who speak of the victims of these freedoms (in particular those who are made redundant, those who are victims of climate change, those who are victims of defamation) should convince the last skeptics: that the great democratic newspaper of the United States, the beacon of freedom of opinion, should bow down to a master and impose a single voice, in the name of freedom of speech, which is openly flouted here, is further proof that the United States is rapidly evolving into a totalitarian regime.

Those who did not want to listen when President Trump said that “since he wants to save America, nothing he does can be illegal”, who did not realize that he is now totally immune from prosecution for any of his actions, who do not want to believe him when he says he will gladly stand for a third term, might finally resign themselves to admitting it: the United States is becoming a dictatorship. And like any dictatorship, it uses the words of democracy. Who in Germany, in 1933, could be against a government that was both “national” and “socialist”? It was a “Nazi” government. And today, who can be against a government that makes economic and political freedom its absolute criterion for decision-making? Double freedom? Double dictatorship.

Because we know that economic freedom, without safeguards, without antitrust institutions, without control over the application of laws, only serves the most powerful. And those who impose this so-called freedom are preparing to trample all the regulations that ensure the United States a little economic, social, health and educational freedom for the poorest, to eliminate anything that could still protect the economic and social freedom of future generations, by cancelling all measures to reduce the production and consumption of fossil energy and by removing the means to reduce educational inequalities. Economic freedom in the United States in the future could be limited to the richest few, who will share out public procurement contracts, hold the keys to the financial and stock markets and control cutting-edge technologies, particularly communications technologies.

We also know that, without safeguards, freedom of speech only serves those who have the means to take it, to direct it, to select it. We know very well that by allowing false news, defamation and lies without control, we destroy the credibility of science, we designate scapegoats, we encourage the most violent extremes. And here again, the control of the richest over the media turns this dual freedom into a caricature in the service of propaganda.

Yes, it is indeed in the name of this dual freedom that a dictatorship could soon be established. Perhaps it will not go that far. Perhaps a large enough number of Americans, politicians, journalists, writers, filmmakers, trade unionists and business leaders will rise up to prevent it. Because they know that it is contrary to the long-term interest of their country and that a dictatorship always ends badly, for the dictator, his acolytes and the people. Perhaps America, the great America, the one we admire, will rediscover its values, its raison d’être, as a country that welcomes migrants from all over the world, scholars from all universities and political refugees who have escaped all dictatorships. Perhaps even the current American leaders will realize the madness into which they are leading the world, and themselves with it.

It is not certain. After all, and I have been saying this for a long time, the United States is one of the last great democracies not to have experienced a totalitarian episode. It was therefore almost inevitable that this would happen at least once in their history.

The Europeans can still repeat to themselves, to convince themselves, that the United States are our allies and that we will go a long way together again. This is no longer entirely true. And saying it doesn’t make it a reality. Like when the one in a couple who is left refuses to believe it and acts as if nothing has happened.

Europeans must already consider the not yet certain possibility of a totalitarian America. Realize that America will now vote in the UN with dictatorships. That NATO no longer has a mission, that the G7 has lost its raison d’être, that the IMF and the World Bank have lost their main shareholder; that the G20 now brings together more totalitarian countries than democracies. That the United States will no longer defend Europe, the Middle East, Japan, or any democracy.

Europe is alone. Tragically alone. It must put itself on a war footing as quickly as possible. It must seek other allies among the most reasonable countries in the world, and there are many. It must support the voices that will be raised in America. It must attract as quickly as possible all the talent that might no longer imagine working, teaching or researching in a country that grants all freedoms to those who think the Earth is flat, that the universe was created in seven days and that the President of the United States is president for life, until he is succeeded by one of his sons, whom he has not yet appointed.

Is it crazy? Much less than what happened today. Much less than what will undoubtedly happen tomorrow. Don’t complain. Take action.